Debbie Bridge


A business trip…


Hopefully you are all aware, I am soon off for a week to Buxton, which I hear is beautiful and in the heart of the Peak District in England! An area I have wanted to go and stay in for awhile and what a better positon to be in than going there to do a show – ‘Hamlet’.

Many of you native based may know Buxton for it’s bottled water.

This trip is a dream come true in many ways! I am working with a director I have been trying to work with for 3 years. You see, our director for ‘Hamlet’ has her own company called ‘Butterfly’ and I first met Aileen Gonsalves in the final year of my Meisner acting studies and she is 1 of the few directors, I know of, who works in the Meisner style. So for 3 years, I have been emailing her about what I am doing and where, only to come back from Canada to find she has emailed me asking me to audition for this production of ‘Hamlet’.

I can’t tell you how excited and thrilled I was; that all those years of doing the ‘right thing’ to then finally get the audition and then, golden egg time – the part! I am playing Gertrude, Hamlet’s Mother in this 1 hour version of ‘Hamlet’. It is fast paced, to say the least, as it requires us to get the normally 3 to 4 hour play across in 1 hour and then do it 3 times a night!

To be honest, we will not know if it is night or day, as an added bonus, our ‘Hamlet’ is set in the bowels of the earth – Poole’s Cavern! So the audience promenades through the caves while we do the play – the actors never leave the stage, so to speak, we just pop in and out ghostly players in this highly inventive and exciting ‘Hamlet’. So what better business trip could I ask for?

This is a part of my work I just love, seeing parts of the UK while doing what I love. I love to tour and I have been very fortunate to see many parts of the UK, more than many natives! So Buxton will soon be a joyous addition to that list of towns I have been lucky enough to see.

To book tickets, just click on any of the highlighted ‘Hamlet’s. Rumours are it usually sells out, so better get them earlier rather than later!

Where is the best place you have ever toured to?



A week in the life of…

Following on from last month’s blog on why I came here and having had many people asking me lately what I do, I thought, I would give people an idea by letting you know what I have been doing in the last week.

Friday – taught a Meisner acting class– then off to an docudrama film audition in London

Saturday – admin in the morning – then promo slot at Fringe City for ‘Miss Givings’– then off to watch a friends show in the evening, as part of the Brighton Festival Fringe

Sunday DAY OFF

Monday – admin day in office

Tuesday – re-record backing tracks for ‘Miss Givings’– admin afternoon plus coaching session with Justina Vail– do 3rd show of ‘Miss Givings’

Wednesday – edit re-recorded backing tracks for ‘Miss Givings’ and email them out to the director for Bristol show – admin in the afternoon – sing at Little Bay Brighton in the evening

Thursday – do all day training workshop in London on negotiation – write blog – then go to yoga in the evening.

As you can see admin takes up a lot of my time, so admin includes emails, phone calls, learning lines, learning songs, social media/press work, letters/documents, finances, filing, applying for auditions/work, etc. – just like any other business. This is just a sample, as every week is different, but encompasses more or less the same. I am never bored or lacking in things to do. Naturally you can add eat, sleep, wash and time with hubbie and friends in there, as well!

How do you balance your time out in a week?


Why I’m in the UK

Miss Givings

I created this blog for a fellow UK ex-pat performers blog: check out her blog site as well, she has some great advice for others wanting to work and stay in the UK, in the mean time, here’s what I wrote for her…

“Over 16 years ago, I came to London as a stop-over for going to Germany.

Coming here as a Canadian Opera singer (fresh out of the University of British Columbia music program), starting with no connections and no real idea on what to do or how to stay.

I was lucky.

I managed to stay long enough to get my British Passport.

I did go to Germany, but didn’t like the idea of living there.

That’s what I have learned, this is where I have needed to be all along, as I went on to do a Meisner Acting course with Scott Williams (Impulse Theatre School) and I haven’t looked back.

I realised that it was acting and musical theatre that I had wanted to do, but got side tracked when professors said my voice needed to be in opera. I have picked up some very useful skills, but I am back doing what I love.

I live in Brighton, which is a vibrant and creative city. Recently I have been finding that they really like opera, so with my skills as an actor/singer, I have a regular gig at a local restaurant called Little Bay – Brighton, this has led to more event work.

Life on the south coast is not so fast paced as London, which suits me, coming from the more laid back lifestyle of Vancouver, B.C. I love working here, as I stand out every time I speak. Working here does make finding your niche a lot easier. I have managed to work in British productions where they have allowed me to do the RP or they have been ok with the American voice in a mostly British cast, but my calling card is my accent and I don’t mind that.

The acting work really moved on when I joined the American Actors UK. It was a great place for me to do North American work, especially, through the annual Playreading Festival.

Being 1 of those few, who have not gone through the education system here, I have learned to ‘create’ work. This attitude has helped me in finding agents here, produce productions, and see what it is I love to do.

I have managed to find a great agent in Canada, but that was through the help of my British agent, so ya never know where roads may lead.

In 2010, I created a new company, A’Nother Productions, which I am using as a vehicle to produce works. The latest being my new one-woman show, called ‘Miss Givings’.

I wanted to find a more engaging way to get American composers works out there, plus include all my skills. Anita Boult is a musical theatre wannabe, but has just moved out of New York and back to Peekskill. This show goes through her trials and tribulations, with songs from Bernstein, Copland, Barber, Gershwin and Amy Beach.

‘Miss Givings’ is on at the Nightingale Theatre (The Nightingale Theatre) as part of Brighton Festival Fringe – May 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th. You can book tickets here: or the Bierkeller Theatre, Bristol on June 5th. .  My Twitter account is @debbiebridge.”

What self-producing are you doing?


Roll up the Rim to Win! or The Bad Audition

Tim Hortons coffee

Well this blog is devoted to that dreaded event – the ‘bad’ audition.

You know the 1, where thoughts like: “Why am I here?” I feel shame, useless, stupid and want to cry and run out the door. I can’t see straight, don’t understand the expectations, my head seems to be in a log jam, can’t remember the words clearly, which I’ve recited a hundred times – ack!  “It’s coming out as paraphrasing and not the actual words, can’t breathe, my whole body is tense (locked) along with my head”, or, last but not least and, 1 of my personal favourites,” I should be better than this, know better, be more experienced – an expert!” It’s like a switch in my head. I walk in good and confident and then fall apart in a haze of glory.

Can’t really explain what happens to me, as I can’t see it for what it is, just find my focus falls apart and I’m not able to keep it on the other person.

I don’t have this problem in cold readings or if the piece is 1 I have performed before in front of an audience. My expectations are low then and parameters are low – wide open really. They don’t get so set and I feel free to do what the moment calls for a lot more easily.

Nope, this is about the prepared/unperformed piece – that no man’s land of I know the words, but I have never done them in front of anyone, so haven’t got a clue what is going to happen. My expectations rise, as I say, I know the words – an expectation, so when they start to fall apart, I fall with them.

So the question is, how do I bring the freedom I have when I’m improvising or have in a well-known piece into this unknown/known situation? What can I do differently? What works to help me feel more confident? Now this can happen in a song as well as a speech or a dialogue piece. It’s like in music when you never have heard the accompaniment before, which is maybe ok for a rehearsal, but doesn’t work in an audition, at least not for me.

Given direction or a 2nd reading I can show huge improvement, but otherwise I can struggle to keep my focus, even with my actual eyes. I know I am not alone in these thoughts/experiences and over the years I have learned different ways to cope, but while here in Canada for the pilot season, I hit a low again with an audition and walked out and realised what I was putting myself through after that 1 audition, was not going to help, so, what can I do?

This exact turn around within an hour is a huge key to what has helped me to learn from the mistake of what happened and the 1st thing I did was write it all down and get it on the page, get it out of me, because, my experience has shown that if I leave that ‘stink’n think’n’ inside me, it will continue to hurt me and build. Next, got to talk this out with others, so I made a ‘proverbial’ list: – speak to an encouraging and supportive friend about it – speak to my agent to see if she can suggest a coach – book session with an acting coach – write a blog about it and send to fellow supportive and knowledgeable acting friends about it – do more auditions – any and all to work the skill of auditioning up. I can do any portion or all of these things to help me understand what I am struggling with to see, accept, understand and change.

So that is what I did do; only I didn’t do everything on the list. As you can see, I am doing the blog, because, that adult part of me, realises that sharing this with others lightens the load of those tough days, plus helps others – I hope, maybe I am not the only 1 who needs to hear this again!

As a result of my doing this ‘brain drain’ after the audition, I was feeling a lot better, could continue with my day, which included going to an event that evening and speaking to others about mentorship for Alumni of my university and I had an action plan which I am still working on today. So why the title, well, here in Canada, we have a well-known Canadian Coffee Chain called Tim Horton’s and every March they run a campaign called – “Roll Up the Rim to Win”, so that day, I happened to find myself in Tim Horton’s with a box of ‘Tim’s Tid Bits’ – small donut holes of various flavours, I can recommend if you want to try all sorts, but not eat a full donut – and a cup of tea (that’s me, a tea drinker through and through).

Well, I rolled up the rim that day and guess what it said – ‘Please – play again!’ So if anyone reading this has had a day like the 1 I described, I encourage you to do what I am doing – I am playing again.

Just as a footnote, I did win a free cup of tea before the end of the month, so it’s worth being part of the game of life, you do win, when it’s the right time.

Much love to you all and I’d love to hear your thoughts about this or any other ideas in this wonderful, if not challenging business!


Yummy decadence!


In Another Country

Granville Market

My trusty steed!

Well, I have made a firm landing in Canada, been here 3 weeks and behind on my work, but loving the new experiences, friends and places. Can never complain about how beautiful it is here! We already have the spring flowers out. Still, it’s taken me till today to start singing again, but have been doing the admin – why is that? Why is it that sometimes the emails and such seem to be more of a draw on my attention than the whole reason I do what I do? Still don’t have an answer, but am glad that I am singing again.

At least a few weeks ago, I had to prep some monologues, so have already been exercising that part of my brain. I have decided to help me to facilitate some of the singing, that I am going to start busking at Granville Island.  It’s a great place to hang out and has 10 theatre companies in the area – who knows?

So, anyway, I had planned today to be my 1st day, but part of my plan was to do it on sunny days, where there is a higher chance of people being there, but it’s raining and it’s forecast to do so for the whole week – bummer. I didn’t let that stop me entirely, I figured it was time I start to get the vocal pipes going, so that’s what I did, I did 1 set that I’ll be using, to get the muscles moving again. (I think it’s a good thing that I will have a few days to get the muscles moving, I’m feeling my ‘rest’.)

Also, the biggest challenge I am facing is learning how to organise things and work from afar – this is the good news – I’ve got some gigs coming up in the Fall in Australia, but there is a lot of toing and froing I’ve never had before. Plus dealing with the pre-booked venues for ‘Miss Givings’. Reading and signing contracts, only have emails to really communicate, and then things changing – ack!

Oh well, what doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger. Speaking of making me stronger, I’m cycling around the excellent bike paths in Vancouver. Here’s a picture of my trusty steed I’m loving it! Plus it’s getting me into pretty good shape, as the hills here are like mountains in Brighton.


Queen Elizabeth Park – Mom and Dad

So to round it all off, I haven’t told you how I am living here, as my immediate family don’t live in Vancouver, so I have started to do house/pet sitting, what a great way to stay in the city, stay in great places and have some gorgeous pets to share the space! I can highly recommend it.

Here is my current dog sit, his name is Strider:

So I sign off this blog today with a big Happy Birthday to my Mom! It was nice to be here for the big day! We actually had a great day for it! This was taken at Queen Elizabeth park.

What great days have you had while working abroad?


Print, Print, Print

Miss Givings

I am just in the throws of getting my poster off for ‘Miss Givings’. This is a 1st for me, as I can not remember the last time I had to get one printed, other than from my own printer.

As like all things in this process it is a learning curve. Thanks to a good friend, the actual design was brought to life, but should of checked the printers website for format, but printer was very nice and has managed to correct the little mistake of the words being too close to the edge of the flyer.

Still I wait with baited breath until said posters/flyers are printed and with me. Will they be ok for the job?

I will not know completely until I get them, but the thing I do know, is that next time I do this, I will have learned from this experience.

For 1 thing, I needed a white box on the bottom of the posters for the venues to be able to insert their information – that is 7cm by 27cm – I have learned that now – fingers crossed we got that right.

For now, what I can show you is what we have:

Statue of Liberty

We went for a simple look, the idea of tipping the hat to the Statue of Liberty came early on in the plans for the poster, we wanted Anita to look like a copy of, rather than a real version of the Statue of Liberty, so we have taken 1 of Anita’s costumes, which is in itself a copying of the styles of some of the great divas, with a copy of the crown from the statues head to go along with the music which is a copy of the flame, which the statue holds. This is an example of how Anita has the desire to ‘copy’ the greats of show business, plus give a hint of the New York flavour, with the Autumnal feel of Thanksgiving, as the show goes through a year in the life of Anita Boult, starting at 1 Thanksgiving and ending at next year’s Thanksgving – that’s the American setting of Thanksgiving, not the Canadian Thanksgiving.

I love the photo image which Emma Bailey came up with and you would not believe what the actual background looked like and how it took Emma and her assistant, I would say at least half an hour, if not an hour to get the fabric as the background to fall in the amasing way in which she eventually did. You would never know we were in a white room with rafters and a hardwood white floor. With me sitting on a step ladder – oh the magic of theatre!

So the next print job, well after I take a breather after this 1 – the programme, but I am going to give myself at least a week before I start to try and crack that nut…it is never ending when you are producing and performing in your own work….still got the lines for the last scene to really learn well!

Always love to hear your tales and ideas… till next time!

If you are wanting to book tickets for the 1st showing of ‘Miss Givings’ on January 17th at 7:30pm at the Latest Music bar, just go to their website and click on the link to order your tickets – hope to see you there!


Learning Curve

Yes, it’s true, I’ve finally found a train ride to London to write another Blog. My time seems always so filled, but with great ‘learning curves’ of late. The latest being simple edits to my showreels and a ‘Little Bay’ short video.

That aside, the biggest ‘learning curve’ is around ‘Miss Givings’ – a one-woman play with music about Anita Boult – a musical superstar wannabe from Peekskill, New York. I’ve produced my own work before, but this project is much bigger and, will hopefully, show the benefits for my efforts.

I’m pleased we have a website page, facebook page and short video – a great place to start from for publicity. The new things for me are looking for funding, posters/flyer design and contacting theatres/touring skemes. The former can be a bit scarey, as I can’t say asking for money has ever been a past-time I like or have done much of. Still, it’s always good to step out of my comfort zones, as my experience has been that these are the places I grow so much as a person and as a performer. Plus, every little triumph – venue booked, video edited, poster created, photo shot is such a great feeling, along with all the line learning, meetings with the Director, Costume Designer, Writer, Venue, etc. Good thing I didn’t know the full extent of the work load, I may not have been so brave to put on my own one-woman show. Still my confidence grows from each hurdle jumped.

Also, I’m very grateful to all those who are a part of the ‘team’ of people helping to put this on. I had no idea how many people get involved in even a project for one actor.

I’m curious if any of you have had similar experiences of doing your own thing and managing your own team? How has that gone for you and what did you learn?

Our 1st full show of ‘Miss Givings’ will be at the Latest Music Bar and tickets are on sale on the website. I look forward to seeing or hearing from you and bring 5 other friends – make it a night out!

Anita Boult – Miss Givings
