At the moment, I’m lucky enough to be doing a Meisner acting course with the Impulse Theatre Company. Yes, I know…an opera singer doing acting lessons?! Can this really be? Well, all I can say, is this is a new…
The Audition
As I was walking to my audition, today, the themed music for the Death Star from the ‘Star Wars’ kicked into my head with a bit of ‘Spamalot‘ glitch thrown in for comic relief. Why is an audition so scary?…
Boycott the Sony Radio Awards
There’s all the noise in the press about the Olympics and boycotting because of Tibet, well, there is something right here in the UK which needs to be boycotted and that’s the Sony Radio Awards. I’m saying this because I…
A Singer’s Personality – what’s that got to do with it?
Well, I’ve read an article this month in the Singer magazine, Personality traits by Mark Glanville, about how the personality of a singer doesn’t always align with their voice type and the problems that can arise from such a situation.…
Hyper-extended Soprano
Just recently I went to the doctors in regards to physical ailments I’ve been having with 1 hip. It seems I have joints which hyper extend or as I know it are double jointed. I’ve heard about this when I…
Singers aren’t Musicians – myth or truth?
Well, personally, I feel this is hog wash, but I am biased, as I am a singer who took the ‘higher education’ route. I studied music in high school, college and then ended up with a degree in Music –…
To Brand or not to Brand? – a Singers Dilemma
Branding, marketing and selling yourself are a definate part of the entertainment business, here’s some ideas.