A time of firsts…
My life is full of topsy-turvy and really this is the way I like it. In the past few weeks I’ve done a radio show interview on Radio Free Brighton with Phil Baker – 40 mins of me talking about me – never done that before. I’m used to being on the other side of the mike and asking the questions, so it was quite nice to be the one who only needed to respond and not fiddle with all the buttons.
Then it was a sell-out gig at a local restaurant which has led to another restaurant asking me to do a gig at theirs, once again a 1st and very flattering, to say the least. I’ve never been head hunted before.
Then on the Underground, I was asked if I wanted to do stadium charity gigs, which I had to turn down as they weren’t able to cover my expenses. Once again, a 1st to say ‘no’ to what sounded good initially, but I just can’t afford to do 8 gigs for ‘no pay’ and ‘no expenses’.
Then it was my 1st steering committee meeting with the American Actors UK where I am Chairman. This too brought up a lot of firsts, so I’m reminded that a challenge needs to be seen as an opportunity, so my life is full of the later.
Then to round it all off, I auditioned for a role I’ve never sung before. It was for a lovely company who actually arranged a lift for me from the train station and back – very nice!
This reminds me with so many new things, I require more time to absorb and understand them, so, if ya don’t mind, I think it’s a good time for a coffee break, or in my case, an herbal tea break.
I look forward to where the next blog takes me, I have a feeling there are a lot more new frontiers for me to cross.
Where are you treading new ground, in the topsy-turvy world for the arts?
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