Debbie Bridge

'The Voice is the Muscle to the Soul' – Roy Hart

Author Archive

Showreels – reeling them in!

There was a time when you didn’t need one, but in today’s work of multimedia, well, you got to have one.  We have camera’s on our phones, so at least it doesn’t have to be impossible, but it may not be high quality.  These are vital, not just for actors, but for singers as well.  […]


Acting Networking for Brighton

Now this post, may not be the most beautiful, but it could prove very useful to many of you out there.  Like any business the more you know the people you want to work with the better, so if you are needing experience or just want to get used to networking what better places to […]

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The Headless Horseman Rides Again

What better theme for October than the Headless Horseman!  So what does this have to do with performing, you may say, ah, well, that’s exactly what I want to address today! So often I’ve heard from students, ‘I feel like I act or sing from my neck up’ and their body/voice feels like it’s not […]

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You know the image of a patient as he lies down on the therapists couch and the doctor asks, ‘Comfortable?’ as if it’s a signal to begin. I can’t say I’ve actually laid on too many doctors couches, but I do know that moment of discomfort in a place where I’ve been asked if I […]


Back to Basics – do you need training or not?

I had a student the other day, ask me, ‘Do I need to go get some acting training and where?’  Or from my own point of view when is a good time to go back to your training? The longer I’ve been in the entertainment industry, the more I’ve learned that keeping my skill set […]

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Why I Ride my Bike…. & Learning Lines

I’m lucky.  I grew up in the wilds of Canada.  Literally, as a kid I had a huge forest out in my back yard where I played all sorts of imaginary games for hours, days on end with my friends. “So what?”  You may say, well, its that imaginative world that has helped me to […]

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