When the work is all done…Reflecting and Re-focusing
This is 1 of the hardest things for me, when I have completed all the work and think about what is next. It normally happens around this time of year, but it can happen, like this year, where a lot of work started to complete earlier than I had planned and 6 months into this year, I had to look at revising my goals for the year.
So I’ve been through this twice, but find this easier in the summer months, than now. Still, it’s a great time to curl up with a good book and just let what comes….come. I know that a lot of actors/singers/performers go through this all the time, but I still find it hard to just sit and wait… I have the tendency to get up and think up new ideas and plans, which, of course, I am doing again this year.
I do have some ideas, they are all not that new, as I’ve been working on some of them for years and am revising them and looking at new ways to make them work. But there are, at least, 2 new projects – 1 is for events and the other is to record some children’s songs I wrote last year on holiday – see what I mean, can’t seem to turn off the desire to do things, so I wrote 3 songs while I was away traveling through New Zealand and Australia!
Still, it’s always exciting to see how these projects grow and then come to fruition, but it’s also tough to see the others end, like this year’s: At Night in Praha piece is the final phrase of this project for this year, which was just completed in December. I have 2 new show reels, 2 new CD’s
, new head shoots and photos, and I did 2 productions of Much Ado About Nothing, so I am feeling a bit of withdrawal from all the work and not sure which is the best way to go and will these new projects really to be as satisfying or successful as this years? Ah, the impossible question, best not go there.
So here’s to the New Year and what it may hold, if nothing else, I may be able to ride the wave of the exiting years accomplishments a little longer.
What do you hope to do in the New Year?
Happy New Year to all in 2012!

‹ Reeling them in …. Keeping the plates spinning….Time Management ›