Debbie Bridge

'The Voice is the Muscle to the Soul' – Roy Hart

September, 2015


You know the image of a patient as he lies down on the therapists couch and the doctor asks, ‘Comfortable?’ as if it’s a signal to begin. I can’t say I’ve actually laid on too many doctors couches, but I do know that moment of discomfort in a place where I’ve been asked if I […]


Back to Basics – do you need training or not?

I had a student the other day, ask me, ‘Do I need to go get some acting training and where?’  Or from my own point of view when is a good time to go back to your training? The longer I’ve been in the entertainment industry, the more I’ve learned that keeping my skill set […]

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Why I Ride my Bike…. & Learning Lines

I’m lucky.  I grew up in the wilds of Canada.  Literally, as a kid I had a huge forest out in my back yard where I played all sorts of imaginary games for hours, days on end with my friends. “So what?”  You may say, well, its that imaginative world that has helped me to […]

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